The impact of ICT on entertainment and leisure
In the past 25years ICt has changed and inhanced leisure and entertainment making it much more popular, easy, convienent and enjoyable. Virtually every area of entertainment has been changed bydigital technology enabling more personal creativity and choic. One aspect that has been dramitically inhanced is the accessibility of music and musical software. For example music can now be purchased online free of charge or at a low cost simply. It is now possible to record and mix music on a home computer which almost anyone can do. You can store music on your computer without having to insert CD's e.t.c
Computer users have experienced a boom in the choice of entertainment they can have. Entertainment is no longer restricted to jsut the computer as software can be taken off the computer and used anywhere. This is with things like MP3 palyers, multimedia players and CD's.
The disadvantages of using the internet for entertainmetn and leisure is that it is addictive and many people do find themselves spending alot of there time on it. For example msn messenger is one service available and using obsesively it can mean you begin to lack vitual social skills. Like using the interent for any other services it can be expensive and not cost effective if you dnt ake out the best deals. Also if you are unsure of what you are doing when using services that alllow you to download software like music and videos you must be careul to watch out for any illegal sites that could cause more trouble than it's worth.
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